Connecting with the Lost

Jeremiah C. Paye

Jonathan Kerkulah’s Story

Reaching every higher institution of learning in Liberia by 2020 is gradually becoming a reality. In 2015, an alumnus of the United Methodist University Alvin Sahn took a job assignment in Plebo, Maryland County; Southeastern Liberia about 300 miles from Monrovia on a very challenging road. Alvin visited Tubman University(TU) and casted the vision with three students. Jonanthan Kerkulah was one of those students Alvin met. Jonathan writes;

“I got to know about GCML in November 2015 when Alvin Sahn casted the Vision of the Student Led Movement to us at TU. It was my very first time hearing of the Four Spiritual Laws which provides the opportunity for one to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and help the new believer know how to grow spiritually. Even though I had already received Christ in my life at the time, I then developed the interest to know how to grow in my walk with Christ. With this in mind, Alvin challenged me to attend HARVEST II, WEST AFRICASTUDENT CONFERENCE,  at the Cape Coast University Campus, Ghana in December 2015 . The objective of Harvest was to help students and professionals build a biblical character and equip them for effective evangelism.

It was a tough decision becauseI had to spend the last fifty ($50.00 USD) United State Dollars that was left in my account as my balance tuition and fees to be a part of this conference.At the conference, I learned many tips on how to grow in my walk with Jesus including how to share my faith using the Four Spiritual Laws Booklet. There was a practical section for evangelism; it was my first time to share my faith, and the three  persons I encountered prayed to receive Christ for the first time.

After sharing, l felt a great joy in my spirit and realized that truly there are lots of people who have not yet receive Christ as Lord and Savior. While at the conference, I felt a deep conviction, it was like a voice asking; “If you can campaign for men to be favored by students to win student government positions on campus, why not campaign for Jesus Christ to win on campus?” I left with a commitment to help win my campus for Jesus Christ.  Upon my return, I resigned all positions I held in the student government in order to  help fulfill the Great Commission in my generation at the Tubman University.

By the grace of God, I started my first discipleship in 2016 and now I have seven students who are actively sharing Christ on campus. Three of my disciples are now leading their own discipleship group. I was opportune to attend the Global Campus Conference in Kenya in March 2017 . In April 2017, I mobilized students from my university to do evangelism in a village in Maryland County. My vision is to see Tubman University become a place where every student can be involved in sharing their faith and mentoring others in their walk with the Lord.  My life has changed significantly since I got involved with the Student Led Movement of the GREAT COMMISSION MOVEMENT OF LIBERIA.”

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