Project Nehemiah 2020


Compound 1, Grand Bassa - US$30.00 | Zorzor, Lofa County - US$45.00 | Fishtown, River Gee - US$ 115.00

BANK DETAIL: For  support and registration

Bank - Ecobank Account Number: USD 6101355201 or LD - 6100054042

Account Name: Great Commission Movement of Liberia



  • We will be allowing God to work in our lives through the personal enrichment that comes from this type of a mission trip.
  • This Journey will help us focus our individual prayers by traveling to a rural area and praying ‘on-site with insight.’ We will pray for the people that God may open their eyes and hearts to the message of Jesus.
  • We will be working with some churches in those areas to help them grow in their Christian walk.
  • We will encourage local Christians in this area. Our presence will bolster their spirits and support their work. We will visit many small villages in these areas where we will develop relationships with the Christians through Jesus Film Showing in their local language.


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