About Us

Great Commission Movement of Liberia is a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S. Here is an overview of our ministry.


Our Mission

Win, build and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples

Our Vision

Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus

Our Values

Faith, Growth and Fruitfulness





Our Ministries



Ministries Nationwide

Helping students come to know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to their families, communities and the world to share God’s love.

Global Church



Global Church Movements contributes to the fulfillment of this mission by helping establish vital, multiplying and sustainable churches and faith communities, one for every one thousand people, in every rural village, suburban neighborhood, urban high-rise and digital community.  




Equipping couples with practical, scripture-based approaches to real-world issues through conferences, broadcasts, and resources.

Digital Strategies



Josh McDowell has spoken to more than 25,000,000 people and is the author of 142 books in more than 100 languages




Through partnerships, Global Aid Network relieves suffering, restores dignity and reveals hope to people living in the toughest places on earth.

Jesus Film Project



Helping provide media tools, training, strategies and resources for abundant follow through evangelism in every needed language





About Us

National Team Leader
Wolobah F. Taylor

Steve Sellers

Year Established
1951, by Bill and Vonette Bright on the UCLA campus as “Campus Crusade for Christ”

International Presence
Ministry presence in 191 countries



Area Operational Offices

Accra, Ghana
Lomé, Togo
Bangalore, India
Budapest, Hungary
Kandern, Germany
Orlando, Florida, USA
Paris, France
Harare, Zimbabwe
Quezon City, Philippines
Singapore, Singapore
San Jose, Costa Rica
Vancouver, British Columbia

International Headquarters

Cru (U.S. Ministry)
100 Lake Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832

Campus Crusade for Christ International
100 Lake Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832

(888) 278-7233

©2023 GCML - A ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International. All Right Reserved.